Saturday, June 15, 2013

God Encounters from Clinic

What an amazing week we've had in Rio.  Here are a couple more stories of God Encounters from the week:

One of my patients yesterday shared with me this heart breaking story of how her daughter had been missing and she hadn't heard from her for 4 years. Her daughter  had gotten involved with drugs and she had tried to help her, but her daughter had run away from that. She was worried about her. I prayed with this mother to have peace and hope. She left saying she felt better. The next day she came back and came running up to me with such joy on her face. There was a light of hope that wasn't there the day before. She showed me a picture of her daughter and her together. She kept pointing heavenward and saying she had a peace she hadn't had in a long time. Even though her daughter was still missing she was putting her trust in God to take care of everything. 

Antonio came in to have his blood pressure checked. After checking it and treating him we started asking questions about his faith, because he put that he was away from God. He said that his heart was closed to God. We started talking to him more and telling him that he didn't come here by chance and how God was running after him.  We prayed with him and shared Jeremiah 29:11-14. After talking with him more, he said that his heart was open now and he was ready to come back to God.. He said that as we were praying and talking with him, it was like a worship service. He was like a lost sheep that had come home.

Another man came in with his son. This man, I could tell before he sat down that he was suffering with Parkinson's. He came in for some allergy medications and to get some medications for his Parkinson's. I let them know that this isn't something we have. I then asked if I could pray for them and he asked prayer for his health. After praying with them I looked up and he and his son were crying. Tears streaming down there face. It broke my heart and I started crying. I gave the man a big hug and felt led to pray for him with no interpretation. Afterwards he said that no one had ever prayed for him like that before.
I later learned that this was a big deal, my interpreter stated that this was a miracle, because Brazil men don't cry, and for both of them to be crying was a big deal. It was really hard for me to watch them leave. I will forever remember there faces. For the impact they had on me. I know that I leave them in God's hands.   

These are just a couple stories of the lives that were changed this week.  We praise God for the 758 people that came through clinic this week, for the 150 people that made a decision to accept Christ and for the countless others who were encouraged, prayed for and challenged.  We thank you for your prayers and for being a part of this journey with us!


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