Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 2: Connect with Love

Team Overcome reporting today. Our story today was "A Woman responds in Love" (the woman washing Jesus' feet). Our team had the opportunity to experience a similar story. Melanie, Paige, and I showed up to our location this morning with a bit of a surprise. The community uses the area where we are working as the township trash collection and this was not cleaned up at all this morning. Without hesitation, Sandile, one of our Life Skill Educators (who works for Living Hope), grabbed a rake, trash bags, a pair of gloves, and we got to work. Melanie and Paige helped out with getting club started while Sandile and I played trash men for a couple of hours. I finally got around to asking Sandile if this was something he was supposed to be doing. He responded by saying the ladies who are paid to do this do not get paid enough, so he was going to do it for them. He said, "Dustin, I must take care of my community." At that moment, I realized our Bible story was being played out at Overcome. Like the woman washing Jesus' feet, Sandile responded in love and I'm so thankful to have been a part of this. Hundreds of other Overcome residents walking by the Living Hope location saw a Living Hope Life Skills Educator picking up their trash. The community knows Sandile and Living Hope are Christ followers, and Overcome got to see Christ at work when they walked by today. Also, the kids who know Sandile as a leader got to witness this servant action before they were taught the bible story about responding in Love!
We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19


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